High traffic a challenge for staff and systems

Northern Stevedoring Services (NSS) staff and operations has met and vanquished one of the year’s biggest challenges at the Port of Townsville.

It comes with the demands of servicing four vessels simultaneously.

The operations were a matter of meeting client priorities which sometimes converged said NSS general manager said Mark.

“NSS’ role is central to the economy,” he said. “We take our responsibilities to get the ships loaded with locally mined, grown or manufactured product very seriously and we’ve again proven we can do it well.

“It’s the same with effective discharge of everything from mining equipment to cars and trains. The economy stalls without the constant supply of goods.

“It’s also reputational. We’re dealing with international trade operators and there’s no room for port congestion and at our end and no room for excuses at the client end.”

The action was happening on berths three and four. 

That includes loading breakbulk copper and containers on the Kyowa Orchid and live cattle on the Greyman Express and managing the discharge of vehicles from the Lydden.

At the same time, NSS loaded scrap metal onboard the Asahi Bulker. 

The challenge tested NSS processes, Mark said.

“Handling four vessels at the same time was a challenge for our business and the team came through. Staff and management rose to the occasion and all credit to them,” he said 

“The fact that it was carried out to a high standard reflected well not only on NSS but the whole region.

“All this adds to supporting operations and maintaining the flow of economic activity and we’re proud of our role.” 

The NSS policy of recognising everyone in the operation made a contribution and influenced the outcome of successful operations was central to its success, he said.

“NSS is the largest stevedore, logistics and transport operation in regional Queensland and we provide the most staff and have the greatest capacity,” he said.

“All that needs to be supported by process, governance and systems, but most of all, people. Each and every one of our staff plays a role in every successful operation. 

“In the end, the test is everyone gets home safely.” 

Kyowa Orchid
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