Labor ups the ante in capital works commitment

Labor has made its biggest bet so far in the dummy election race.

The Queensland state election is set down for 26 October this year. 

The campaigning period proper is often linked to the Caretaker Period 26 days before polling day.

In this case, Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick has shown his hand early with the announcement of a $107 billion infrastructure projects investment.

It’ll be over the next four years under what’s been billed as the ‘Big Build’ program.

More than $27 billion in capital works would be delivered next financial year alone, Mr Dick said.

And $18.57 billion of that 2024-25 capital program is set to be invested outside the Greater Brisbane region.

It seems Mr Dick is upping the bet again himself.

He delivered a similar $88.729 billion plan that was to be delivered over four years in the 2023-24 Budget.

“Queensland’s Big Build is all go,” Mr Dick said.

“More people are moving to Queensland than ever before, and the Miles Labor Government is delivering the infrastructure this growing state needs.

“Our government made the tough decisions and right choices to make our budget the envy of the nation.

“This strong budget position has allowed us to deliver the Big Build and invest in the future prosperity of our amazing state.”

“We’re getting to work right across the state, as we roll out a 10-year plan to build more hospitals and upgraded schools, more social housing, better transport and more renewable energy.

“This includes almost 70 per cent of this financial year’s Big Build being spent in regional and remote Queensland, supporting about 50,000 jobs.”

Mr Dick said the forward estimates reflected increases in construction activity, including:

  • $7 billion increase in the Queensland Jobs and Energy Plan
  • $2.1 billion for Direct Sunshine Coast Rail
  • $1.365 billion for Homes for Queenslanders
  • $1.7 billion for the Olympics and Paralympics
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