Banking on stevedoring, logistics and transport

NSS is one of the stalwarts in the north Queensland supply chain, one you can bank on.

That’s been highlighted following a recent effort at the Port of Townsville.

At the same time on berths three and four we loaded 4300t tonnes of break bulk copper cathode and containers onto the Kyowa Orchid and 2292 head of live cattle on the Greyman Express. 

Contiguously on berth 9, we loaded 5594t tonnes of scrap metal onto the Asahi Bulker and discharged 439 vehicles from the Lydden vessel.

Tremendous team effort.

This sends some important messages to our owners, clients and the community.

NSS supports regions through its facilities in Townsville, Mackay and Gladstone in a material way. 

This goes largely unrecognised. For example, everyone who owns a Ford Ranger can tell you that it is the best-selling ute in the country. Very few can tell you how it got into the caryard where it was purchased.

Our owners, Glencore and Qube, underwrite their investment with returns and in our business, that means movements on and off ships.

This highpoint traffic tells them we are worth investing in. That applies as much to enterprise bargaining as it does to buying new equipment.

On a similar vein, our clients will be looking to how effectively we handle their bulk ore or livestock, or product. 

They’re more likely to invest in their businesses if they can rely on the logistics chain.

This is saying ‘spend the money, invest your shareholder funds, buy that equipment and employ more people to service it because NSS can handle it our end’.

Business relies on cashflow and NSS gets their product seaborne without fuss. 

We do it every day. You can take it to the bank. 

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